A Complete Water Refining System For Your Entire Home.
A perfect blend of efficiency and affordability. The 565 series offers homeowners the advantages 50% less salt and 28% less water usage than comparable models. Easy to program electronics and a host of features that save you money.
$1795 (includes delivery and installation)
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A Complete Water Refining System For Your Entire Home.
Pure Water Solutions premier high flow, high-efficiency (HE) softener sets the new standard for high performance while offering more features to make this valve as efficient as ever! The 89 Series offers a 1” port that is perfect for large homes and small businesses and uses up to 75% less salt and 64% less water than comparable models.
$1995 (includes delivery and installation)
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More Than a Softener…a Complete Water Refining System For Your Entire Home.
With our unique Deluxe Dual Tank system, rid your Water not only of Hardness, but also Bad Taste And Odor (HTO) caused by chlorine, chloramines or organic matter. This one-of-a-kind DualTank system offers the same high-quality water of having a separate softener and carbon filtration unit in a space saving, one-unit design. The 89HE valve uses up to 75% less salt and 64% less waterthan comparable models.
$2395 (includes delivery and installation)
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One of the most advanced under-sink pure drinking water systems in the market.
The H.E.R.O. wastes virtually no water with over 99.9% recovery. Purified water is collected in the storage tank. Rather than sending the remaining rinse water to drain, it is recycled back where it will be used throughout the house. Comparable systems typically waste 4-12 gallons for every gallon of R.O. water produced.
$795 (includes delivery and installation)
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Customized Drinking Water at Your Tap
Aqua Flo Platinum 1240’s advanced reverse osmosis drinking water systems are a natural and economical solution for providing your family with high quality drinking water. With a space saving ultra slim profile, the system tucks neatly under your kitchen sink providing better than bottled water quality right from your very own tap.
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Our standard Economy RO under-sink model will provide you with pure drinking water on tap at the most affordable price.
$450(includes delivery & installation)
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• ISO9001:2008 Certified, 1,200,00 sq ft Manufacturing facility
• World Class Testing Laboratory
• Dedicated Quality Control Team
• 3rd Party Certified Systems & Components
• Over 150 factory trained employees
• Largest Field Sales Force in North America
• Customer Service Team Averaging 20+ years
• Over 15 P. Eng. & PhD’s on staff
• Dedicated Commercial Engineering Division
• Manufacturer-Direct Business Model Eliminates Non-Value Added Activity
• State-of-the-Art Manufacturing Ensures High Quality Products at the Lowest Possible Price
• Control Valve: Hydrotech™ NSF/ANSI 44 Certified control valves meet or exceed competitive equivalents in all four key measures: 1) Service Flow Rate, 2) Back Wash Flow Rate, 3) Burst Pressure, 4) Cycle Testing
• Fiberglass Tanks: Hydrotech™ certified filament wound tanks are not only strong and reliable but the finish is unparalleled in the industry with a neatly wound, high gloss finish.
1. Soft Skin & Silky Hair
For many of our customers, this incredible difference in their lives makes them swear by soft water. Every time you stand under a hard water shower, you are coating yourself in dissolved inorganic minerals that interact with soap and other oils. These interactions contribute to the classic dry, itchy skin syndrome so commonly associated with hard water in many areas.