What is Soft Water ?
According to the US Geological Survey, 85% of the United States has what’s called “hard water”, this means the water has an excessive amount of hard minerals, most excessive in well water. "Softening" the water takes out these hard minerals and other impurities leaving you with pure H2O.
Why Soft Water ?
When calcium is heated, it can create calcium deposits causing havoc in appliances, skin, hair, etc...
These "hard" minerals are not harmful to drink, however they cause problems with your skin, hair, household appliances, pipes, clothes, and not to mention scum all over everything. The Hydrotech™ salt-based water system removes these pesky hard minerals including all other unwanted pest such as bacteria and heavy iron. You may have heard about “Salt-free” water softeners, but in reality they don’t exist. True softwater is defined as less than one grain per gallon (gpg) of minerals in your water. The so called“salt-free” softeners cannot do this.
Good Option
A Water Refining System For Your Entire Home.
A perfect blend of efficiency and affordability. The 565 series offers homeowners the advantages 50% less salt and 28% less water usage than comparable models. Easy to program electronics and a host of features that save you money.
☑ NSF Certified electronic downflow control valves with proven piston, seal & spacer technology and rotating ‘no touch’ diagnostic backlit 16 character LCD display
☑ Meter immediate, meter delayed, meter override, vacation and calendar clock modes
☑ Self charging capacitor keeps date / time of day for 48 hours while programming remains in permanent memory
☑ NSF Certified high-gloss pressure tank
☑ WQA Gold Seal 8% cross-linked cation resin
☑ Heavy-duty brine tank / cabinet constructed with NSF Certified high-density polyethylene.
☑ Brine safety valve for added overflow protection
☑ Space saving bypass with integrated turbine meter
☑ Time saving quick connect fittings on bypass, drain line, brine line and power cord
☑ Seven Year Control Valve Warranty
☑ Lifetime Warranty on Tank
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